May 29, 2024

44th Annual Cornell Shorinji Kempo Camp

The attentive student

The 44th Anual Cornell Shorinji Kempo Camp was held in Trumansburg, New York over the Memorial Day weekend (May 25-27).

Rustic dojo

The Toronto Branch delegates were McCulloch sensei, Kevin and his son Josh.  It was the first time we had been back to Camp since the COVID pandemic and it was a wonderful feeling to return there.

Canada Squad!

The Camp was led by Sakuyama sensei of Ibaraki Takahagi Doin (Japan).  Sakuyama sensei was a direct student of Kaiso Doshin So at Hombu in the 1970s and is also well known for starring in the movie "Shaolin Temple" with Jet Li. However, what we appreciate Sakuyama sensei for is his incredible technique, warm spirit and ability to explain his technical and philosophical insights clearly and deeply - all of which makes him one of the best Shorinji Kempo teachers you could ever hope to study from.

With Oka sensei (Montreal Branch)

Sakuyama sensei focussed on basic elements and provided creative ways for us to study them. He always carefully tied the technical practice to our underlying philosophy.

Sakuyama sensei and the Legaults

The Camp afforded a long overdue reunion with many friends we hadn't seen for some time including Dolce sensei and Ziring sensei (Camp organizers and hosts), Hagata sensei, Oka sensei and his students (Montreal Branch), Tamaki sensei, Tondo sensei, Berlow sensei and Negishi sensei (Yokohama).

With Negishi sensei (Yokohama Negishi Doin)

We wish to thank Sakuyama sensei and the Camp organizers for providing such an amazing experience!

Happy Campers!
