On Saturday Sep. 24, 2005, John McCulloch of Toronto Branch visited Glasgow University Branch in Scotland. It was at this dojo that John started studying Shorinji Kempo in 1982 .
The class was the first practical experience of Shorinji Kempo for many new students. The format of the class was as follows:
- Warm up (including basic pairform drills)
- Kihon (this was directed mainly to newcomers and focussed on basic movements)
- Chinkon
- Philosophy ("The Essence of Shorinji Kempo")
- Techniques (okuri gote, katate maki nuki, tsukiten ichi, hantenshin geri, yokotenshin geri, oshi gote, kotemaki gaeshi)
Many thanks to Tony Leith, Niall Anderson-sensei and the members of GUSKC for providing such a warm welcome.