Our annual "Year in Review" webpage has now been published.
Please have a look here.
Members of Toronto Branch participated in the first annual Shorinji Kempo Ontario Embukai which was held at the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre on the evening of Sunday October 30, 2006.
The event was not a competition and, therefore, no scores were announced. However, the format of the event was otherwise identical to that in a major embukai and allowed the
We thank North York Branch for hosting the event and Richard Ngun-kenshi of Yorkville Branch for allowing us to use his photos.
On the weekend of October 21-22, 106 kenshi from three continents gathered in Karlstad, Sweden for the 2006 Karlstad Gasshuku. The participants came from Branches in Sweden, Finland, Germany, UK, Japan and Canada.
The instructor of the event was Kizumi Hiate-sensei (Seihanshi, 7th dan) of Atsugi Doin, Kanagawa, Japan. Hiate-sensei has been a Branch Master for 34 years and is also a WSKO Instructor. Hiate-sensei is Vice-Chairman of the Kanagawa Shorinji Kempo Federation - the second largest regional federation in Japan.
Assisting Hiate-sensei with the teaching duties were:
Anders Pettersson (Daikenshi, 5th dan) - Karlstad Branch
John McCulloch (Daikenshi, 5th dan) - Toronto Branch
Ake Olsson (Seikenshi, 4th dan) - Karlstad Studenter Branch
Yasuyuki Murai (Seikenshi, 4th dan) - Atsugi Branch
The seminar consisted of kihon practice in the mornings, lecture and techniques by rank in the afternoons. Hiate-sensei gave a presentation on Oct. 21 based on his personal history and on Oct. 22 related how kenshi should act based on an appreciation of dharma.
Personally speaking, it was a wonderful event. It was especially enjoyable to train under Hiate-sensei again, to meet Anders-sensei, Steve-sensei and many other great friends from Europe once again. I am very grateful to Hiate-sensei for his teachings and to Karlstad Branch for their kind invitation to join the event.
John McCulloch
Toronto Branch
Toronto Branch was a co-host of an official WSKO Study Session in
Participants from four continents came to attend the event. Branches in attendance included...
The Study Session focused on the development of instructors and Branch staff. Consequently, in addition to the usual technical study, participants reviewed how to properly judge randori and embu. In addition, the instructors described in detail many aspects of how Shorinji Kempo is to be run as an organization worldwide.
The Study Session also permitted meetings of the Canadian and US Branch Masters . The meetings addressed matters of common concern, especially how we can work more effectively to promote Shorinji Kempo and collaborate on various areas. It was certainly valuable to be able to tap into the collected experience and wisdom of the group.
Gradings for 3rd dan and 4th dan were also conducted by the visiting instructors.
On the evening of Saturday September 16, the participants gathered for an informal dinner at the Crowne Plaza Don Valley Hotel. A particularly poignant moment was a euology to Yamamori-sensei (the teacher who brought Shorinji Kempo to
We wish to express our sincere gratitude to the visiting instructors for their excellent instruction and to the participants for making such a great effort to attend the event.
Read about John's experience at the Camp here.
If you wish to attend such a training camp at Hombu, the general guidelines for attendance are detailed here.
The delegates from Toronto Branch wish to express their deep gratitude to Allen Liff-sensei, Gary Dolce-sensei and Neal Ziring-kenshi for their hard work and dedication in making this wonderful event happen.
Your contribution to Shorinji Kempo in this region is huge!