February 25, 2023

Yuya Ishida - my experience at Toronto Branch

One of the greatest things at Toronto Branch is that we get many visits from kenshi across the world.

Yuya Ishida, a university student from Tokyo, came to train with us during his international placement. We all greatly enjoyed having him join our group .

Yuya (front row, second from left) at his final class at Toronto Branch

Here are his thoughts about his time at Toronto Branch:

Presenting Yuya with a gift from the Toronto kenshi

"Experience in Toronto Branch for 5 months is unforgettable in my life. Before enrolled in this club, I was wondering if I could communicate with the members in English. However, my concern went away soon! Beginning with John Sensei, other members helped me understand how a technique works and added me into conversations. Thanks to that, practicing in the Dojo became enjoyable and full of fun.

What inspires me is that Shorinjikempo is more widely practiced around the world than I thought. There are few chances for me to practice Shorinjikempo with non-Japanese in Japan. According to Howa, I was surprised at how many Kenshi love Shorikempo. After arriving at Japan, my English skill and Toronto-Branch’s techniques will be helpful for those who want to learn Shorinkempo, no matter what nationality!

I appreciate everyone’s kindness! It relieves my anxiety and hesitation to jump into communication. See you at World Taikai!"
Ryaku juji gote
Yuya - we all look forward to seeing you again soon!