Members of Toronto Branch participated in the First Annual Shorinji Kempo Taikai held at the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre on October 27.
Over 40 kenshi from all the Ontario Branches were represented at the event (Toronto, North York, Huronia and Yorkville).
Toronto Branch members participated in the event in a variety of ways:
- Kumiembu demonstration by John McCulloch and Tal Schaeffer.
- Dantai embu by eight members.
- Randori demonstration by Tal Schaeffer and Yan Montgomery.
- Participation in the adult category kyu and dan grade tandoku embu sections.
- Participation in adult category kyu and dan grade embu sections.
Congratulations are due to the following Toronto Branch members for their successes:
- Eduardo Bello (1st dan) - 2nd place in the adult dan tandoku embu category
- Isabel Struik & Yan Montgomery (both 2nd dan) - 3rd place in the adult dan embu category.
We wish to thank the members of North York Branch for their wonderful organization and hosting of the event.