December 31, 2006

Toronto Branch 2006 Year in Review

Our annual "Year in Review" webpage has now been published.

Please have a look here.


December 21, 2006

2006 Closing Ceremony

Toronto Branch held its annual Closing Ceremony on the evening of December 20, 2006. The event formally marks the end of the year's training and provides an opportunity to reflect on the achievements of the preceding year and focus on what we need to work on in the year ahead.

We were fortunate to have members from the neighboring Yorkville Branch with us this year.

Toronto Branch members performed embu (pairform display of techniques) during this year's Closing Ceremony. The embu were as follows:

  • John Dadosky (1st kyu) & Eduardo Bellow (1st kyu)
  • Isabel Struik (2nd dan) & Stas Zlobinski (1st dan)
  • John McCulloch (5th dan) & Tal Schaeffer (3rd dan)

End of the year messages were given by John McCulloch (Toronto Branch) and Albert Louie (Yorkville Branch).

We look forward to a successful year in 2007!


December 04, 2006

Recent Grading Successes

Toronto kenshi Eduardo Bello and John Dadosky immediately after their 1st kyu examination

Toronto Branch members were successful in several recent gradings administered by Shorinji Kempo Ontario.
  • Nov. 02: Ahlia Khan passed the junkenshi 1st dan exam.
  • Nov. 26: John Dadosky and Eduardo Bello passed the 1st kyu examination.
  • Nov. 26: Andre-Philippe van der Heyden passed the 2nd kyu examination.
Congratulations to all.
