September 29, 2005

Visit to Glasgow University Branch

On Saturday Sep. 24, 2005, John McCulloch of Toronto Branch visited Glasgow University Branch in Scotland. It was at this dojo that John started studying Shorinji Kempo in 1982 .

The class was the first practical experience of Shorinji Kempo for many new students. The format of the class was as follows:

  • Warm up (including basic pairform drills)
  • Kihon (this was directed mainly to newcomers and focussed on basic movements)
  • Chinkon
  • Philosophy ("The Essence of Shorinji Kempo")
  • Techniques (okuri gote, katate maki nuki, tsukiten ichi, hantenshin geri, yokotenshin geri, oshi gote, kotemaki gaeshi)

Many thanks to Tony Leith, Niall Anderson-sensei and the members of GUSKC for providing such a warm welcome.


Starting out in Shorinji Kempo (GUSKC)

Kumite shutai at Glasgow Uni. Branch

Training at GUSKC (24.09.2005)